
The club started with volleyball and has since evolved into a diverse offering for players of all skill levels. From competitive training for international gay and lesbian volleyball league and the Vienna Volleyball Association’s Cup, to casual, fun-focused beginner games, the club has something for everyone.

Several times a year, the club participates in fun tournaments abroad, and they also host their own events, including the Vienna Beach Trophy in August and the VIVA tournament every two years.

While the club is primarily aimed at members of the LGBTIQ+ community, anyone who identifies with the club’s mission is welcome to join. For women who want to play in an all-female team, the club recommends the Vienna’s Queer Melange volleyball club.Join the club and experience the joy of playing volleyball in a safe and welcoming environment!

Join the Club!

Date and location


Level 1 (Training): Judith, School Gym, Prandaugasse 5, 1220 Vienna, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Level 1 PLUS (Free Play): Gymnasium, Maiselgasse 1, 1030 Vienna, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Level 2 (Training): Michi, Dominik-Hofmann-Halle, Jedleseer Str. 66/94, 1210 Vienna, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Level 3 (Training): Peter, Fun & Sport Hall, Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 108, 1220 Vienna, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Level 2 PLUS from 2025 (tentative): Education Campus, Landgutgasse 30, 1100 Vienna, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Level 3 (Training): Peter, School Gym, Donizettweg 31, 1220 Vienna, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


What are the costs?

Membership fees are due at the beginning of each semester. The winter semester runs from mid-September to mid-February and the summer semester from mid-February to the end of June.

Training in 1 level: 50 Euro (40)*

Training in 2 levels: 80 Euro (60)*

*Reduced fee for people with limited financial means.

When can I start?

Beginners: Join us in the first 6 weeks of the semester (end of October or March) for our level 1 training.

Advanced players: You can join at any time and will be placed by a trainer in a level that matches your playing ability (demonstrated ability to pass, dig and serve to the opponent).

To see if you want to commit to a full semester, you can attend up to 3 training sessions, free of charge and without any obligation (trial sessions). Subject to availability.

What equipment do I need?

Indoor sneakers (soles do not rub) and comfortable sportswear. If you plan to come regularly, knee pads are also recommended. Volleyball balls and a net will be provided. Showers are also available at the gym.


If you would like to join us, have questions or would like to get a taste of it, please contact:
Levels 1-3 are fully booked at this moment. New registrations will be placed on a waitlist and priority will be given to members of the LGBTIQ+ community.

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Aufschlag Wien is Austria's largest sports club for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, intersex and queer people who want to play sports with like-minded people in a non-discriminatory, anti-racist and anti-sexist environment. However, everyone is welcome
— regardless of sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnicity and physical conditions.

Our club currently offers seven sports. At the same time, we would like to expand our range of sports. If you would like to initiate and coordinate a new sport, please just get in touch with us! We can help with advice and assistance and, if necessary, with premises.

FLINTA* soccer with the ballerin*s
Hiking (Queer Hike)
Table Tennis